Remember, remember the 5th of November, the Gunpowder treason and plot... If the Pope had simply granted a divorce to King Henry VIII of England, then the Church of England might never have picked a fight with Rome. Were that the case, think of the lives
Remember, remember the 5th of November, the Gunpowder treason and plot... If the Pope had simply granted a divorce to King Henry VIII of England, then the Church of England might never have picked a fight with Rome. Were that the case, think of the lives that might have been spared in the hundreds of years of tumult between the Catholics and the Protestants of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the world. But, alas, the divorce was not granted, and the battle lines were drawn, and the persecution did ensue, and so in 1605 a man named Guy Fawkes set out as part of a swashbuckling crew to administer their version of justice with "The Gunpowder Plot." In this talk we discuss who the real Guy Fawkes was, how he found himself at the center of this infamous event, and how, over the centuries, his likeness and spirit have developed into a troubling harbinger of chaos to those in command, and rallied underdogs in the quest to speak truth to power.